
Why Study Occupational 安全 and 健康 at Montana Tech?

Occupational 安全 and 健康 (OSH) graduates apply science, 工程, 以及需要预测的技术, 识别, 评估, and control safety and health hazards in the workplace. From protecting people from acute injury or death due to traumatic accidents, to preventing illness and chronic disease due to biological, 化学, 还有物理因素, 职业安全与卫生毕业生是确保每个人都能获得安全和健康工作环境的专家. Employed as Environmental 健康 and 安全 Specialists, 安全工程师, 和安全经理, 职业安全与卫生毕业生加入了一个快速增长和有需求的专业团体,保护我们的工人和他们的家人. 喜欢科学的学生, conducting field work in interesting environments, 与不同人群的频繁互动应该考虑职业安全和健康的有益领域.

Accredited Program, State-of-the-Art Facilities

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院最近建造了一个最先进的安全实验室,允许在课程中进行丰富的体验式学习练习. 我们的课程质量被认证安全专业人员委员会认可为合格的学术课程. 另外, 该计划已获得ABET应用与自然科学认证委员会(ANSAC/ABET)的认可, http://www.教唆.Org),并由 National Institute for Occupational 安全 and 健康 Training Project Grant.


国家职业安全与健康研究所通过提供奖学金资金来认可菲律宾十大彩票平台学院ANSAC/ 教唆认证项目的质量, 旅行, and faculty development through a Training Project Grant. Students pursing a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Occupational 安全 and 健康 (OSH), a Master of Science in Industrial Hygiene, 或工业卫生远程学习/专业课程理学硕士,均符合申请资助的资格.

ANSAC/ABET认证为应用科学课程设定了全球标准, 计算, 工程, 工程技术. 拥有ANSAC/ABET认证, 学生, 雇主, 社会可以确信,一个项目符合培养准备进入全球劳动力市场的毕业生的质量标准.

在世界范围内寻求, ANSAC/ABET的自愿同行评审过程受到高度尊重,因为它为技术学科的学术项目增加了关键价值, 在质量, 精度, and safety are of the utmost importance. ANSAC/ABET是一个非营利组织, 获高等教育评审委员会(CHEA)认可的非政府机构.

The Board of Certified 安全 Professionals designated the B.S. 学位 in OSH as a Qualified Academic Program. 学士学位毕业生.S. in OSH are eligible for the Graduate 安全 Practitioner professional credential.

Campus Activities and Student Clubs

学生的安全, 卫生及工业卫生学系及取得职业安全及健康辅修专业的不同工程学位的学生参加校园活动, both informally and through a club. 该俱乐部是美国安全专业人员协会(ASSP)的“学生分会”。. 俱乐部的主要目的是为学生提供探索职业安全与健康领域的机会, learn about professional societies, 和社交. 学生会员的另一个好处是有资格获得ASSP基金会的奖学金.


Applied and Natural Science Commission 认证
聘用有经验的教师 & 专业知识
Explore Montana Tech's School of Mines & 工程
Learn why Occupational 安全 and 健康 学生 choose Montana Tech.

What is Occupational 安全 and 健康?

企业雇佣职业安全与健康(OSH)方面的专家来监督雇主保护员工的计划. Common work involves training employees on safe practices, 进行工地审核, 评估危险暴露, 保存记录, and coordinating worker's compensation for injured or ill employees. 职业安全与健康学位课程的结构是通过将所需主题的课程和实验室课程与应用技术的实践经验相结合,为毕业生的职业生涯做好准备.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Occupational 安全 and 健康 Graduates Get?

各种各样的雇主来到校园招聘实习和职业职位的学生. 超过一半的毕业生从建筑业等工业部门开始他们的职业生涯, 矿业, or energy; many others start with federal, 状态, 其他政府机构. 几乎所有的大型工业公司和政府机构都有职业安全与健康项目,提供晋升和加薪的机会.




Explore Classes in Occupational 安全 and 健康

蒙大拿州理工学院的职业安全与健康(OSH)项目导致理学学士学位(B.S.)学位. 几乎所有的毕业生都有职业安全与卫生专业人员的职业生涯,他们的工作岗位旨在帮助员工在一个没有公认危险的工作场所安全工作. Core functions for OSH professionals include developing, 实现, and evaluating health and safety programs.

该课程通过数学课程为学生提供了良好的技术基础, 生物学, 化学, 和物理. 通过写作和口头陈述课程加强沟通技巧. Of the 122 total required credit hours, 45 are in OSH. Most of these include experiences working in small groups, 写作作业, 演讲, 以及解决问题的能力. Laboratory courses conducted by OSH faculty use three laboratories, one is unique and dedicated to safety and ergonomics.

Learn More About Occupational 安全 and 健康 at Montana Tech

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and more.


Explore other programs in 工程 and related fields.


Get semester-by-semester info about Occupational 安全 and 健康 courses.

Two female 学生 using environmental equipment in a lab

Address complex environmental issues such as climate change and pollution.

Student and faculty looking at a mock structure

Civil 工程 involves the design, 建设, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. 

教师 member, Dan Autenrieth, showing a student how to use equipment
工业卫生理学硕士.S. (校园)

校园M.S. 学位 is structured to encourage participative, 协作, 并应用解决问题的策略来解决现代职业健康问题.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Lorri Birkenbuel