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Our Mission

We know students are at the heart of what we do, so that's why we work to ensure students have access to our campus, activities, and programs. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities”. Also called “functional limitations”, disability may limit a person's ability to walk, run, lift, carry, sit, read, write, spell, calculate, reason, process information, memory, focus, concentrate, eat, sleep, bathe, talk, hear, breathe, and/or see.

Our Vision

We aim to make our campus as accessible as possible to students with disabilities through reasonable accommodations and adjustments that allow students with disabilities to participate fully on campus while holding them to the same academic standards as every other student.

Who We Serve

Students with diagnosed disabilities or temporary injuries are eligible for our confidential services. At least 4% of our student population has a disability, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Contact Us!

Shauna Goodell
Disability Services & Accessibility Coordinator 
Location: Student Success Center (SSC) 3.137
Phone: 406-496-4428
Email: sgoodell@gzyyhc.com

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